International women’s day – looking at three overbearing women.

 In Stay on Bedding

On International Womens Day we all have the chance to pay tribute to our mums and other amazing women around the world. 

The vast majority of people adore their mums and admire them as women, as in most cases Mum is the most important woman in their children’s lives. As a mother myself, I know that I would do absolutely anything to ensure my children’s safety and happiness, and will continue to do so no matter how old, big and independent they get!  Today on International Women’s Day we are looking particularly at Mums and in this case, rather overbearing ones at that!

As women we can all be a little too tough on ourselves and amongst mums this seems to be very common. Take a look at this this trio of domineering dames and you should feel pretty good about your own parenting skills!

  • Sara Delano Roosevelt – Too close for comfort!

The mother of former US President Franklin Roosevelt was reportedly not keen on his choice of bride, his distant cousin Eleanor. After their marriage in 1905 she decided to keep an eye on things in rather sneaky style. Initially, the couple were delighted when Sara gifted them a renovated townhouse in Manhattan, until they realised that the home had some unexpected features – mainly, a number of connecting doors opening directly from Sara’s house next door. She would emerge into their drawing room and children’s bedroom at any hour she chose. It’s a wonder the poor babies ever got any sleep.


  • Bona Sforza – Watch your teacup…

If you’ve ever felt that your mother-in-law would rather you weren’t around, just be thankful you don’t live in 16th century Poland. Having married the country’s King Sigismund I and given him an heir, Italian-born noblewoman Bona made no secret of her dislike for her daughters-in-law. Her son’s first wife, Elisabeth of Austria, died two years into the marriage and her successor, Barbara Radziwill, lasted just five months in the household before succumbing to a mystery illness. Rumour had it that Bona had made free with poison around the tea table…


  • Madge Bates Wallace – Somewhat hard to please!

Here’s another former President with a difficult home life. When Madge took against her daughter Bess’s fiancé, it seemed that nothing Harry Truman did would ever be good enough. Convinced that his political ambitions would amount to nothing, Madge continually nagged and chided her son-in-law, and the criticism didn’t stop even when she moved into the couple’s new home with them. It seems that even the White House was not quite good enough for Mrs Wallace!

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