My Tips for Helping Children Sleep in Hot Weather

 In Stay on Bedding

After what seems like months and months of chilly weather, the sun has suddenly come out and the newspapers are talking about a heat wave. Young children love being outside in this weather and our little ones have been making the most of the warmer days. Children can easily tire themselves out but, when it comes to bedtime, trying to get a toddler to sleep in oppressing heat can be a nightmare.

At Tuck n’ Snug we’ve got sleeping in hot weather covered.

Even though kiddies need to be cooler in bed at this time of the year, they also like to feel snug and welcome the feeling of bedding over them. But, if your children are like ours, they still get themselves in a pickle if their bed clothes fall off – hot weather or not.

After 1,095 consecutive nights of broken sleep, I designed Tuck n’ Snug – innovative duvet and pillow case sets with flaps, which simply tuck in. This means that little wrigglers – particularly those who are dreaming of running around on a summer’s day – benefit from stay-on bedding. Solving sleep issues benefits the rest of the family too – if one little person is unsettled, then everyone else’s sleep patterns can be disrupted too.

On really hot days, we’ve been removing the duvet from our little ones’ bed but leaving the Tuck n’ Snug set in place, still tucked in. This is a hint which was also recently suggested by the popular blogger Mother Distracted, who shared her top tips for getting little people to sleep in hot weather. She also came up with the clever idea of putting your child’s pillowcase and their favourite toy in a plastic bag and placing it in the fridge a few hours before bed. We’ve been trying this too and it seems to work.

In its useful page entitled How can I keep my baby safe during hot weather? – NHS Choices also suggests keeping nightwear and bedclothes to a minimum and keeping babies in just a nappy. But, they also champion a ‘well-secured sheet that won’t work loose and cover their face or get entangled during the night’. Again, we’ve got that covered at Tuck n’ Snug – as our sets are well-secured, but little ones can still climb out if they need to.

There are other things you can try too when the weather’s hot, such as giving your children a cool bath before bed and keeping the curtains in your kids’ bedrooms closed during the day. You could even use your faithful hot water bottle as a cold water bottle or wrap the type of ice packs you use for picnics in towels and put them under the sheet for a little while before bedtime.

Wishing you fun-filled summer days making memories and restful quiet nights from us all at Tuck n’ Snug.

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